Richard Wilson

I am currently a Professor in the Computer Science Department and head of the AI Research Group. My main research interests are

  • Foundations of Machine Learning

  • Machine Learning with Graphs and Networks

  • 3D Object Recognition (mainly with meshes)

I have been a researcher in computer vision, machine learning and pattern recognition for more than 30 years. Over that time, I been involved in around 20 funded research projects and have published 66 papers in international journals and more than 170 conference papers. I have an h-index of 36 in Google-scholar with more than 5000 citations. I am an associate editor-in-chief of the journal Pattern Recognition, and have successfully supervised 13 successful research students.

To find out more about my research, click on the header tabs.

Brief Biography

I began my academic career as a physicist. I was a member of the British Physics Olympiad team in 1988 and was awarded a 1st class Honours degree in Physics from St. John's College, Oxford in 1991. Following that, I moved to York to begin a PhD in computer vision with Edwin Hancock. I was awarded the PhD and the K. M. Stott prize for best thesis in 1996. After a brief period as a research associate, I became an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow between 1998 and 2003, and joined the academic faculty and the end of the fellowship. I became a Reader in 2004 and a full Professor in 2010. I am a Fellow of the IAPR and have led the Department's research on computer vision and on analytics. Currently, I am head of the Artificial Intelligence Group at York.