Introduction to the Department

Welcome to all of you and congratulations on gaining a place at York. We are delighted you have chosen to study with us and we will work with you in providing a supportive learning environment to enable each of you to fulfil your potential. We have a dedicated group of staff, with years of high-calibre teaching and clinical experience between them, who are here to guide and support you through your studies. We are one of the top UK providers of nursing and midwifery professional educational whose graduates have and will continue to help deliver, shape and innovate health and social care in the modern era. Your time with us will benefit from a blend of high-level education and clinical practice coupled with exposure to our world-leading research.  Success is achieved through working hard as an individual and in supportive teams, which is something we foster through our programmes of study and overall approach. Our Student Services teams are also here to help so please do use their expertise.

I hope you enjoy your experience of studying in the Department of Health Sciences at the University of York.

This handbook has been prepared to cover the information you will need for your programme or course and to assist you as a student or learner in the Department. Please read it through and use it as your first point of reference. If you have any concerns, our Student Services team, located on the ground floor of the Seebohm Rowntree Building, stands ready to help.

On behalf of everyone in Health Sciences, I wish you an enjoyable and successful programme of study.

Professor Kate Flemming 

Head of Department

Together York

The University Together York community statement articulates our values, priorities and expectations, and invites all members of our community to join together in upholding and developing them.

        We are a community of scholarship, where independent critical thinkers explore their area of study with passion and diligence.

        We are a community of respect, fairness and compassion. We hold each other to these expectations and call out inappropriate behaviour.

        We are a community of purpose that cultivates personal growth and supports each student in developing a vision for their future.