What if I cannot attend scheduled teaching or practice sessions?

It is your responsibility to ensure you notify those detailed below if you are unable to attend the University or practice for any reason. This is a mandatory requirement if you are enrolled on a programme leading to professional registration. You are responsible for meeting learning outcomes for missed sessions. Lesson lecture notes are usually available on the VLE; alternatively you should discuss the missed session(s) with the module leader.

All absences must be reported to:

You may also inform your supervisor or module leader, and you can log your absence on e:Vision via the Self-certification of Illness website.

When a full-time student advises the Department of Health Sciences of absence due to illness, or other reason, then the absence will be recorded for the full period – which means including private study time, not just attendance at timetabled taught sessions or practice.

Sick leave

The Student Services team and practice, where applicable, should be informed of all sickness. For sickness lasting up to seven days, a self-certification form should be sent to the Department’s Student Services team. From the eighth day of illness, a sick note is required and should be sent to Student Services.


If the absence occurs in University time, on return to study, Student Services should be notified. This enables accurate information to be maintained on your end of programme report.


For further information, including self-certification forms, visit the Self-certification of Illness website.

Reporting absence from practice

If you are unable to attend your placement, you must notify the placement area and the Department’s Student Services team, preferably before the start of duty on the first day of absence. You should record your absence and the reason for it on yourplacement attendance record (Placements on the Web (POW)), guidance of which is in your PebblePad, on the practice hours page. If your absence was due to sickness, you should notify your placement as soon as you are fit to return to duty, even if you are not rostered to attend on that day. You should also inform Student Services that you are fit. Your attendance is monitored by the Student Services. In monitoring attendance and absence, the Department wishes to ensure that, during periods of difficulty, students access the support they need.


It is essential that you keep their placement areas informed of absence and your plans to return to placement, in a timely manner. Failure to do so could lead to an action plan linked to the Professional Values practice assessments.

Special leave, compassionate leave and carer's leave

If you need special, compassionate or carer’s leave, you should request approval for absence from your personal supervisor. If you require additional or more protracted leave for the circumstances, you should contact your programme leader.

Illness & assessment

If your illness interferes with your studies, please see the Exceptional Circumstances section of the Handbook.

Adverse weather

On occasions severe weather conditions may have an impact on your practice and theory attendance. There may be weather warnings issued by the National Severe Weather Warning Service. In these circumstances all students are advised to check the University adverse weather website for advice on University closures and the local radio and television for up to date travel information.


Although University sites may be closed during adverse weather conditions, your placement is unlikely to be closed. However, please exercise extreme caution when travelling and only travel if you feel it is safe to do so. Should you be unable to travel then please notify your practice assessor/supervisor and make alternative arrangements. This might involve, for example, rearranging your shift for an alternative time when you are able to travel.


You are advised to stay in close contact with your Academic Assessor and Practice Assessor if you need to re-organise progress reviews, discuss making up hours or for any further advice or support.