What happens if I fail a module?

If you fail a module, don’t panic! In many cases there will still be an opportunity to achieve the credit required for award through reassessment (see below). 

Please note that different rules apply to reassessment for your dissertation. If you fail your dissertation you may only be reassessed if you are awarded a ‘marginal fail’ mark of between 40-49%. If you are awarded a mark of 39% or lower you are not eligible for reassessment. Refer to the what happens if I fail my dissertation section for more details.


The pass mark for level 7 theoretical academic modules is 50%. Professional practice modules are pass/fail and awarded a pass/fail mark. There is no compensation applied to modules in this programme. If you get a theoretical module mark below 50%, you will be reassessed. 

For further information, please see Practice Failure section of the Handbook.

Most but not all modules can be reassessed. If you fail a module that has been defined to be non-reassessable, you will not be able to progress and will fail the programme. 

The mark obtained for the reassessment will be capped at 50%.

You can only be reassessed in a module once, without valid exceptional circumstances being upheld. If you also fail the reassessment and the failure cannot be compensated, you will not be able to progress and will fail the programme.

There is also a limit on the number of credits you can fail at first attempt.

You are not eligible for any reassessment attempts if you fail more than 60 credits at first attempt (without valid exceptional circumstances).

If you are required to retake a credit-bearing non-compensatable pass/fail assessment component this will count towards the number of credits you have been reassessed in, even if you pass an accompanying academic assessment at first attempt. 

For further information on reassessment, see the Student Guide to Rules for Progression and Award in Postgraduate Programmes.