Support in practice

Supported learning time: time to facilitate learning. This may include supernumerary status that enables students to be supported in safely and effectively achieving proficiency (NMC, 2018, p14).


The following staff are available to support your learning in clinical practice: 

Practice assessors

This refers to a named midwife who has been prepared for and accepted the responsibility of formally planning, assessing, and documenting a named student’s clinical achievement in accordance with the validated assessment strategy for the Bachelor of Midwifery (Hons) in Midwifery (BMid (Hons) Midwifery).





Practice supervisors




Academic assessors




Learning Environment Manager (LEM)

The Learning Environment Manager (LEM) is a midwife working in the clinical area who is responsible for allocating students to specific practice assessors. Your learning environment manager’s key responsibilities are to:

Support in practice: senior staff

In addition to practice assessors and academic assessors, there are senior members of practice staff (either a nurse or a midwife) based in NHS Trusts and large care providers, who have a key role in promoting the quality of the learning environment for students.


These individuals have different titles depending on their employing organisation, for example Practice Education Facilitators, Practice Placement Facilitators or Clinical Lead for Education. They work closely with the practice assessors and managers within placement areas and provide a valuable link with the Department of Health Sciences. They also lead initiatives to support student learning and can be contacted for information and advice. They may also be involved in the educational audit of placements with service staff and academic assessors.


In addition, you may also find it helpful to support your learning in practice by contacting/discussing issues with a Professional Midwifery Advocate (PMA). PMAs are experienced and specialist midwives: often many have been a Supervisor of Midwives (SoM) who have undertaken additional training and are able to offer restorative clinical supervision to staff and students in the clinical environment 

Practice Learning Link: PLL team

The Practice Learning Links (PLL) are dedicated to providing you with additional support whilst you are in practice. These lecturers are available through a group email ( and are able to respond to student requests at short notice (within usual working hours). They also hold regular remote drop-in sessions during your placement experiences, and can offer advice and support on a wide range of practice and programme related issues. Please contact them in the first instance with any practice related questions and, if they are unable to resolve your query, they will refer you accordingly.