What happens if I fail a module?

All modules must be passed to remain on the programme; module failure cannot be compensated by performance in other modules.


If you fail a theoretical module at first attempt, you will be offered a reassessment. For the purpose of progression and award outcomes, module marks where reassessment is required will be capped at the pass mark. First attempt marks or capped module marks following reassessment (whichever is greater) will be used to calculate Degree Classifications.

You can only be reassessed in a theoretical module once, without valid exceptional circumstances being upheld. There is also a limit on the number of credits you can fail at first attempt in each stage.

You are not eligible for any reassessment attempts if you fail more than the maximum credits at first attempt (without valid exceptional circumstances) in a single stage, and consequently you would be discontinued from your programme.

You are only permitted to fail:

You must satisfy the requirements for one stage of your programme before being able to progress to the next stage. Progression at the end of Stage Two of the MMid Midwifery programme requires that students meet a stage average higher than the pass mark for the modules contained in the stage. This stage average must be attained as the average of the first attempt module marks and is set at 55% for the MMid Midwifery programme. You are also required to achieve a rounded credit-weighted mean mark of 50% across Stages Two and Three of the programme, with a minimum stage average of 40% in Stage Three, in order to progress to Stage Four.


If, after your marks have been calculated and any necessary reassessment procedures have been applied, you still do not reach the mark necessary for progression to the next stage, there are no other opportunities for continuing your studies. There are no opportunities for taking modules again and consequently this will result in discontinuation from the programme.

If you do not achieve a stage average of 55% at the end of Stage Two, you will not be allowed under University rules to progress to Stage Three of the MMid Midwifery programme. You may be able to transfer to the BMid programme: however, you will need to meet the BMid programme progression criteria to progress to Stage Three of that programme.


For further information on reassessment, see the Student Guide to Rules for Progression and Award in Undergraduate Programmes.

Reasssessment for practice modules

Practice modules are non-reassessable (which means if you fail a practice module at first attempt, you will NOT be offered a reassessment opportunity). However, failure to achieve all summative requirements of a practice module will result in an automatic extension of 4 weeks, which must be undertaken during the summer Leave weeks, prior to progressing into the next Stage. If summative elements of the practice placement are not met by the assessment date this will result in programme failure.