
You should attend all scheduled teaching sessions that we set for you, either in person or online, and use the student Check-In system. Regular attendance is vital to your progression through your degree programme.  If you cannot attend a theory session, you must inform the module leader before the session.  


University Regulations state that you should be present at any time at which teaching or other academic engagements have been arranged for your programme (including Saturdays). This includes teaching that is not compulsory.

Information on reported non-attendance is shared with your personal supervisor and academic assessor. This information will be non-sensitive and will only refer to the dates of the reported non-attendance. This is intended to alert the relevant staff to any concerns about your attendance which may indicate that you require pastoral support. 



If you are ill during teaching weeks, please notify the University via your e:Vision account (in the "Your Support" section). You can self-certify for a maximum of ten days in any one academic year, with a maximum of seven days for any one period of illness.


An absence of over seven days, but no longer than four weeks, can be approved by your programme leader on behalf of the Chair of the Board of Studies. Any longer absence during a term which will be counted towards completion of your degree programme requires the approval of Special Cases. See the information on taking a Leave of Absence.


If you stop attending scheduled teaching sessions without saying you are withdrawing and do not respond to our efforts to make contact with you within a specified time-scale, the Board of Studies will assume that you have withdrawn from your studies. This is known as ‘assumed withdrawal’.

PSRB attendance requirements


In accordance with the NMC Standards for Pre-registration Midwifery Programmes (NMC 2019) to complete the programme successfully you must complete a minimum of three years and 4600 hours. Failure to do so may affect your progression and award.

Mandatory sessions


Mandatory training is an essential aspect of your programme and is a mix of face to face sessions and online activity. Mandatory training is required in every new academic year.

The requirements of each stage are: 

Stage 1

Stage 2:

Stage 3:

Registers are taken for face to face sessions and evidence is required for completion of online activity.  Deadlines for mandatory training are identified in the assessment schedule, if students fail to attend face to face sessions, complete online mandatory activity or do not meet the required deadline this will be followed up initially by the Departmental Student Services team. Further failure to complete the mandatory training will result in the student being written to by the midwifery Mandatory training lead/ Programme lead and students will be informed that attendance at placement is prohibited.   


It is the responsibility of the student to sign registers and upload evidence of e-learning for health modules within their eMORA.