What guidance and resources are available to Equality Champions?

In this section of the handbook we have compiled a working list of useful internal and externally produced ED&I resources and guidance that Equality Champions may find useful in expanding their knowledge and gaining a better understanding of particular ED&I issues by learning more about specific areas.

University of York resources

ED&I webpages

There are several ED&I webpages containing useful information and resources across a wide range of ED&l areas, such as the following:

ED&I online training

There are a series of staff training modules, some mandatory, available on the University ED&I webpages and others promoted via the POD calendar (log-in required). Such as the following:

You might also want to attend one of the online ‘Trans Awareness: The Basic’ training sessions, which you can find via the POD calendar (log-in required).

ED&I awareness raising events

The University runs a series of events throughout the year in order to mark and celebrate ED&I awareness days/weeks/months and these are available to view within the ED&I calendar of events. You might wish to consider organising your own departmental event as part of an awareness raising day, you can include your event in our calendar by emailing us at equality@york.ac.uk or by completing the events submission form.

Additional information

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy - you can learn more about the University’s ED&I strategy online including the strategy document itself.

Equality data - there is institutional level staff and student equalities data available online for you to view and learn more about who we are as a community, via the University’s ED&I webpages.

EChamps shared resources folder - this folder sits within Google Drive and is something we will continue to add to over time.

E&D Termly Updates - the Equality and Diversity Office produces a termly update that is shared with Equality Champions for their information and for circulation within departments. You access these updates via a folder in the EChamps Google Drive.

Library Subject Guides - there are a number of UoY curated reading lists and resources relating to ED&I that can be accessed on the Library webpages, under the Library Subject Guides.

External resources

Equality and Diversity Office Termly Updates

The Equality and Diversity Office also produces termly updates for Champions' information and for circulation within departments. These can be access in the Termly EDO updates folder.

See below for one of the recent updates.

EDO Update-August2022.pdf