Yorkshire Philosophical Society

An annotated list of Latin and common names for plants found in ancient woodland

About the collection

The Yorkshire Philosophical Society was founded in 1822 to promote the study of the natural sciences, archaeology and antiquities. The extensive archive includes correspondence on scientific topics as well as the papers of the Society's Woodland History Group, which monitored and recorded Yorkshire's ancient woodlands. 

The archive is and active collection and is accessible through our reading room by booked appointment. 

Black and white photograph of a bird perched on a plant

Why it's important

The collection gives insight into the York's long history of scientific endeavour, documenting the development of the Yorkshire Museum, the Observatory and the Museum Gardens, as well as the administration and running of the Woodlands History Group. 

This subset of the archive captures import biological records on Yorkshire ancient woodlands and the role of volunteer interest groups in influencing the outcome of development proposals that impact upon Yorkshire's natural spaces.