Fanny Rollo Wilkinson

About the collection

This tiny collection of five letters was deposited at the Borthwick by a local history group in 2013. They include three letters from Fanny to her mother and two letters to Fanny from Frances Bain. 

The collection is uncatalogued but is accessible by appointment in our reading room. 

An envelope and letter

Why it's important

Fanny Rollo Wilkinson was a pioneering female landscape gardener, overcoming resistance to enrolling at the Crystal Palace School of Landscape Gardening and Practical Horticulture and subsequently becoming a landscape gardener for the Metropolitan Public Gardens Association in London. 

She was also a founding member of the Women's Agricultural and Horticultural International Union, which paved the way for the the Women's Land Army. 

These letters are the only personal papers of Fanny Rollo Wilkinson currently accessible to the public.