About Us

 The Digital Archaeology and Heritage Lab is a teaching and research space in the King's Manor in the Department of Archaeology at the University of York. In previous lives this room has been G/60, the home to Shergar the horse skeleton, the pub at King's Manor, and has been called the wine cellar of King Henry VIII, which is probably inaccurate. It is the ideal space to experiment with virtual reality, photogrammetry, photography, video games, RTI, and other technologies to investigate and disseminate archaeology and heritage data. 

DAH Lab is conveniently located near the XR Stories hub, where interdisciplinary research is conducted on immersive storytelling. We pride ourselves on collaborations with the Department of Computer Science, Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media, YorRobots, the Centre for Digital Creativity and we are closely affiliated with the Centre for Digital Heritage, Archaeology Data Service, and Internet Archaeology.

We embrace hi-tech and low-tech approaches to bringing the past alive. Student projects include board games, reconstructing castles, landscapes, villages, and artefacts, immersive worlds, interfaces for museums, 3D printed artefacts and more.

If you are interested in studying digital archaeology or digital heritage, at any level, please feel free to contact us to discuss possible options. 

Lab Affiliates

We are affiliated with digital archaeology, heritage, and humanities laboratories worldwide.

Bristol Digital Game Lab

The Bristol Digital Game Lab is a research group based in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Bristol. Launched in September 2022, the Lab brings together researchers and practitioners from a radically diverse range of perspectives. This includes translation and accessibility, history, comparative literature, law, computer science, AI, game design, and beyond. The Lab is coordinated by Dr Xiaochun Zhang and Dr Richard Cole.
