Equality, diversity & inclusion

We are committed to the creation of a fair, welcoming and inclusive environment for all, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.

The Department of Health Sciences has an active and impactful Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Committee as well as several Equality Champions who link with the University’s EDI team. We recognise the importance of ensuring equality and fairness for all our staff and students and work collaboratively across the department to ensure we are at the forefront of EDI matters and that equal opportunities exist in every aspect of departmental working.

We also have an Athena Swan working group which further contributes to promoting a culture of equality in the department through undertaking work to strengthen areas such as recruiting, encouraging and retaining women at all stages of their career. The department currently holds a Silver Athena Swan award in recognition of the achievements that we have already made in this area and the impacts they have had.

For further information about the University’s equality and diversity policies, visit the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion webpages.  To contact the Equality Champions, visit the Key Departmental Roles website. For more information about the EDI committee or Athena Swan please visit the Department’s EDI and Gender Equality webpages.

Bullying & harassment

Harassment Advisers are trained members of the University who act as first point of contact for student experiencing harassment or bullying. Students can contact any Harassment Adviser directly, it does not have to be the staff member within this Department.