Electronic ongoing achievement record in practice (E-OAR)

The Electronic Ongoing Achievement Record (E-OAR) in practice is intended to guide you and your practice assessor through the process of practice assessment. Its format is designed to help you (and your practice assessor) to focus on the learning opportunities available within your practice experience area within each period of assessed practice that will facilitate achievement of the required module outcomes and your personal learning outcomes. Supporting the documentation of this Ongoing Achievement Record is an e-learning system called PebblePad.

It is your responsibility to complete the E-OAR by the completion date shown on your Assessment Schedule. You should also complete the online evaluation of your practice experience. 

EU requirements


A continuous record of your EU Requirements (e.g. personal birth numbers) will be recorded in your A5 folder. This folder must be submitted to your academic assessor by the deadline published on your Assessment Schedule.