SHELBURNE- Real Estate and attractions


In the heart of beautiful Dufferin County, you'll find a little town called Shelburne. The perfect place to get away from it all and relax.

The people here are so friendly too- we're sure they would love if their new friend was located just outside the doorsteps in Ontario Canada.

The Shelburne Community Garden is a place where you can come together with your friends and neighbours to grow vegetables, herbs or fruit. The garden offers both raised beds as well as in-ground plots that are available for rent by individuals who would like the opportunity bring some fresh produce into their homes this summer!

The Centre Dufferin Recreation Complex is a great place to get involved in sports, clubs and recreational programs. You can join teams or participate individually as you wish!

The CDRC offers many opportunities for residents from Shelburne County who want an active lifestyle with plenty of variety at their disposal - whether it be through joining one our various sporting associations on site (like Fitness First!) or participating fully by choosing any number activities offered through this centre alone including swimming lessons, martial arts training sessions etcetera

Member Spotlight

Jennifer Jewell Real Estate Agents - Realtors

75 First St. 

Orangeville, Ontario

L7W 2E7


Realtors Shelburne Ontario 

Related Website: Shelburne Ontario Real Estate & Attractions

Related Website: Shelburne Ontario Homes & Attractions

We've been helping people find their dream home for over 10 years now with our dedicated team at the Jennifer Jewell Shelburne location who know exactly what we need from them every step of the way. Our customers love us because we care more about their needs than making money off of them like other companies do. We also offer free home appraisals so that our customers always get the most accurate price on their new house! If you want an honest realtor who cares more about your needs than his own this is the company for you!