Who: Come one, come ALL and help us support another local non-profit near and dear to our hearts: Gravity Water. Gravity Water is making a global impact in Nepal and Vietnam by building rain water filtration systems on school campuses- ensuring that no child falls ill or dies from a water-borne illness. Come support us by supporting them in our first ever "Pay it Forward" yoga series.

What: A concept developed by our team at Yoga For All Movement, "Pay it Forward" is about ensuring that our community partners succeed. Community partners to us look like other non-profit professionals, yogis, HUMAN BEINGS. We will be bending, breathing and flowing together to not only support each other, our friends at Breath + Oneness, but also youth across the globe having access to clean drinking water. We rise by lifting others, so let's PAY IT FORWARD together!

How Much: Sliding Scale, consider supporting these important causes coming together by donating $15-35, no one turned away for lack of funds! We believe in FRIENDraising too!

When: Event begins at 2pm on Saturday, February 3rd. The lovely Katie Jacobson, a close friend and believer of both the visions of Gravity Water and YFAM, will be teaching a dynamic and restorative flow class promptly at 2:30pm.

I flow, we flow, YOU FLOW like WATER. For more info or to donate visit www.gravitywater.org