Grant Application

Summer Application Due: 4/5/24


Steps to Submit:

Grant Project Roles

Youth Leaders: 

Youth leaders are 18 years old or under and in high school or below.

Responsibilities include:

Youth Member: 

Youth members are 18 years old or under and in high school or below. 

Responsibilities include:

Adult Allies:

The AA for the high school project should be 18 or older

Responsibilities include: 

Fiscal Sponsor Representative:

Organization representative with the ability to generate invoices and make changes to the organization Certificate of Insurance.

Responsibilities include:

Fiscal Sponsor Org

The fiscal sponsor organization must be a 501c3 NPO or for profit business with insurance that fulfills YEF's requirements. Read more in the Fiscal Sponsor section.

Grant Cycle Timelines

Winter Cycle Timeline (Up to $10,000)   [CLOSED]

App deadline: 9/15

Interviews: 10/18 OR 10/23

Decision Announcements: week of 11/13

If selected...

Orientation: 12/2

Onboarding Deadline: 12/8

Projected Spending Start Date: 12/20

Spending Deadline: 3/31

Project End Date: 4/5

Grantee Celebration: 5/17

Spring Cycle Timeline (Up to $10,000)   [CLOSED]

App Deadline: 2/2

Interviews: 2/28 OR 3/4

Decision Announcements: week of 3/18

If selected...

Orientation: 3/23

Onboarding Deadline: 3/29

Projected Spending Start Date: 4/10

Spending Deadline: 5/31

Project End Date: 6/5

Grantee Celebration: 5/17

Summer Cycle Timeline (Up to $2,500)  [OPEN]

App Deadline: 4/5

Interviews: 4/24 OR 4/29

Decision Announcements: week of 5/6 

If selected...

Orientation: 5/11

Onboarding Deadline: 5/17

Projected Spending Start Date: 5/29

Spending Deadline: 6/21

Financial End Date: 6/24

Project End Date: 8/5

Grantee Celebration: 5/17

Filling Out the Application

Common Application Mistakes

Budget Categories

Although Community Funders do not take your budget into consideration when reviewing applications, your itemized budget must fit into YEF's guidelines and budget categories.

Read through the following 6 budget categories and what items go in which below. 

Youth Wages

Amounts of money that will be given to youth on your project team. 

Materials & Supplies

Any items that you need to make your project happen, including those are that intangible.


Costs for venue rentals


Amounts paid to guest contributors as a gift

Food & Drinks

Food to be eaten by your youth team or community you are serving


Gift cards, transportation, entry fees, large electronic items, social media ads, etc.


Q: Is the budget submitted in the application final? 

A: Nope! YEF understands that things change. Whether prices of a specific item went down and your project has excess money or if your project decides to pivot ideas, as long as the items purchased make sense for what your project's goal is (and do not break any of YEF's requirements) it's viable. Depending on the grant cycle you're awarded funding, you will also have the option of potentially doing a budget modification. With all that being said, it is still super important to aim to be as specific and accurate as you can be with your budget listed on your original application.

Q: My project has college-aged youth. Is it possible for us to pay them youth wages?

A: Unfortunately, YEF funds must be given directly to youth. This means that YEF cannot reimburse for any money adults receive for being a part of the project team. Generally, as long as the youth are still high school aged (even if they are 18), they are eligible to receive youth wages. Similarly, gift card prizes must go directly to high school aged youth or younger. The only way adults can receive monetary compensation is through the Honorarium role, such as payment for being a guest speaker or instructor. 

Q: I'm purchasing carbonated drinks for our end of project party. Would that go in Materials & Supplies or Food & Beverages?

A: That would go in Food & Beverages. Typically, food items that belong in Materials & Supplies will not be consumed during a team meeting or event. For specific inquiries, contact us just to be sure!

Q: If plastic water bottles are not allowed, what about plastic cans of juice or other beverages?

A: Since YEF is funded by DCYF, we must follow some of the city's guidelines. However, this rule only pertains to plastic single use water bottles like those found in Costco or other wholesalers. You can purchase any other type of beverage in packs.

Q: What if I want to pay tips for a team dinner?

A: Sadly, due to requirements from our own funder, YEF cannot reimburse for tips or gratuity. Someone on your project team will have to pay the amount out of pocket. One way you can use the grant money to pay for tips/gratuity is by putting money into youth wages and then use that to pay for tips "out of pocket". 

Q: What are "Costs outside of SF"? Can I purchase things online that aren't made in San Francisco?

A: Online purchases do not have to be based in San Francisco. Items purchased on Amazon, Etsy, or any other online stores can be reimbursed for. An example of a purchase that would not be reimbursable is a train ticket from Los Angeles to Las Vegas or entrance fees to an out of state conference.

Not sure which category an item goes in? Reach out for questions regarding budget categories.

How Are Grantees Chosen?

Written Application Evaluation

Community Funders process the applications by:

[TEMPLATE] Individual Application Reflection Sheet

Written Application Individual Reflection

[TEMPLATE] Presentation Planning I Sheet (Application)

Written Application Scoring Rubric & Minimum Threshold

Finalist Interviews

Community Funders do finalist interviews by:

[TEMPLATE] Individual Interview Reflection Sheet

Interview Scoring Individual Reflection

[TEMPLATE] Presentation Planning II Sheet (Interview)

Interview Scoring Rubric & Minimum Threshold

Decision Making

Our decision-making process is completely youth driven. Only the Community Funder team make funding decisions on which projects get awarded. YEF Adult Staff have no say in who gets granted or not. 

In order for a project to be funded, all Community Funders must agree on the decision. Generally, Community Funders do not make decisions on whether or not a project is fully granted the requested amount. In most cases, projects are funded their total requested amount.

Lens of Responsibility

Consensus Decision Making

Conflicts of Interest