Using the Library Remotely

You Can Have Access to the Library From Anywhere

The Toronto Library offers remote access so you don't have to go to the library very often during Covid times. If you don't feel comfortable going in person, you can always go to the Toronto Public Library website ( As long as you have a library card, you can access all the library has to offer wherever you are. Items that you would normally borrow you can easily still access. You can get ebooks, e-comics, digital movies and audiobooks just with a click of a button. The website will also let you livestream events like book clubs, see educational programs and lectures and will also let you read newspapers and magazines. You can also review books, place a hold on a book, find information on library services and other things that are available. While you are staying home during this Covid crisis, be safe and use your library card online.


by Nathan

In this new age of tech, nothing has come as more of an update to daily activity than libraries having having an online presence. People can now borrow such things as online books (eBooks) and audiobooks from the library, simply by going to the website and logging in with their card. Online gatherings can take place for book clubs and other such activities. You can look up staff and librarians to help you if you are in person. You can watch educational videos on the website. In the end, the library has evolved into a more digital place.

What type of library information can you find online?

You will find a lot of library information and services online. On the library website you can place a hold for a book to be picked up at your local branch near you. The library holds events virtually on a computer or on a phone. For example, people can participate in virtual book clubs online at the local library. Anyone can find information about library services at the local branches online at the library website. You can borrow ebooks that you can read on the computer or on your phone online from the library. In conclusion, it is helpful to have access to the online local library because of the services that they offer.