Technology at the Library

All Kinds of Technology

The library has a lot of different kinds of technology. There is special technology in its Digital Innovation Hubs for example, like sewing machines, 3-D printers, and audio recording equipment. And even Arduino kits and iPads can be borrowed at certain branches. You can also access digital materials from anywhere using your card. Library Branches have free Wi-Fi, and computer learning centres at some branches have classes on computer skills. There are also computers with design and editing software like Adobe Creative Suite Computers that are free to use with your library card. In other words, there is a lot of technology that people can use at the library!

What technology will you find at the library?

All you need is a library card to get started using the Toronto Public Library's technology. At the library, you can use computers for work or school, or you can play games on them. You can use the 3-D printer after you learn how and you can print anything you want, but you have to pay something. You can also use the free Wi-Fi if you have a Library card and your own phone or device. At some branches, you can use an iPad at the Library or take it home, but you can’t keep it forever. Another thing you can do is reserve books online with your library card. So, you will be able to do a lot with the technology at the library.

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