Dion + Counselling Service

How was the need for your project first identified?

The need for Dion was first identified by the carrying out of a needs assessment in conjunction with the statutory and community sector.

Young people were also consulted as part of this process.

The Dion project has been in existence since around 2001(before my tenure).

What are your project’s aims or objectives?

The overall aims of Dion are.

• To support young people in at-risk situations, with particular emphasis on those living independently for the first time.

• To work with these young people to maintain more stable tenancies.

• To support young people who have come through the care system.

• Dion also has a remit regarding education/prevention in the context of drug/alcohol work.

• To provide drug/alcohol-free opportunities/spaces for young people to socialise.

• To address social isolation in the cohort.

• To provide young people in recovery opportunities to socialise in appropriate/supportive environments.

Was there any particular highlights of the past year that you would like to share?

• A number of events, attended by large numbers of young people(Monday Night Live).

• A number of young people gaining employment or progressing in terms of education.

• Referrals to internal YMCA projects, including STEP and Elevate.

• Young people participating in and completing Leadership training.

• Production of songs in conjunction with Youth Information.

• Improved links with statutory and non-statutory agencies.


"The past is manure, the present is the seed and the future is a blooming flower." Dion participant

"The YMCA is a big, building-shaped hug." Dion participant

"I don't know what I would have done without YMCA, I really don't know where I would be today." Dion and Counselling participant

"I really love MNL. I love singing and playing my guitar here." MNL participant