About Shabbats & Shabbags


Every other Friday night (give or take due to breaks, holidays, etc.), YCP Hillel gathers at the Gordon Center for Jewish Student Life to welcome in Shabbat, the day of rest for Jewish individuals. However you choose to observe, our hope is that you will join us and relax for a brief service and meal, perhaps refraining from worrying about schoolwork or other obligations for an hour or so.


On weeks in which we do not have an in-person Shabbat service, we offer students the opportunity to sign up for a a Shabbat-to-go bag, a "Shabbag". Each Shabbag has a different theme, and it gives students a way to spend time observing Shabbat on their own time and in the comfort of their own home.

So, you're interested in participating?

Wonderful! If you would like to attend our Shabbat services and/or receive a Shabbag, you can sign up on the home page of this website. We look forward to seeing you :)