Communication Research

Technical Communicaton_Schumacher.pdf

WellSpan York Health Foundation Grant Proposal

Project by Ty Schumacher

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Mike Zerbe

This is a mock grant proposal written to the WellSpan York Health Foundation. It explains the need for no-touch digital thermometers during this time. It also highlights the advantages and disadvantages of no-touch thermometers, digital thermometers, and tympanic thermometers.

WRT320 Client Project YSW for S21 UR Showcase.pdf

Digital Content for Young Scholars in Writing: A Collaborative, Client-Based Project

Project by Beck Liberatore (Leader) & Jena Bixler, Laura Bonney, Olivia Cottle, Patrick Czawlytko, Jared Emmel, Alana Gordon, Taylor Groft, Maddison Hamaker, Breanna Hoffner, Bec Leo, Madalynn Lightner, Lucas Luvith, Madelina Marquez, Hannah Potts, Sarah Romberger Eva Savill, Devin Sharkey, Sarah Smith, and Talia Wilcox

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Emily Cope

Young Scholars in Writing increased the output of social media and blog content to increase online engagement between the journal and readers.


Analysis of Barriers and Constraints for Women in Sport Radio

Project by Ashley Hudak

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Michael Mudrick

My projects highlights the research I have done on how women are perceived in sport radio. How they are never the host or even a primary spokes person. Women are seen as not having the voice or not knowing much about sports to be heard on the radio but my research help prove there should be more women on the microphone.