Below find some commonly asked questions and answers about the Advanced Placement Program at Father Bressani Catholic High School

How do I know what university accepts the AP credit? Click below.


What are good resources for the AP student to explore?

Students should create a College Board account. This will allow them to navigate the Collegeboard website where there are various resources, information and activities for all of the AP courses offered at Father Bressani Catholic High School. Click Below.


What is a good source of information for students and parents about the AP Program? Click Below.


What is the difference between placement and credit?

Placement allows the student to take more advanced courses but does not award actual university credits, while credit allows the student to use their score for university credit in said subject.

Do students have to take the full complement of AP courses in Grade 9 and 10?

Students must take the four AP courses offered in grades 9 and 10. In grade 11 and 12 there are more options and choices for the student to make about the AP courses he or she would like. If you would like to see a list of the AP courses offered, click below.


What is the York Catholic District School Board's policy concerning transportation?

All identified gifted students living further than 4.8 km from the school (as per Board Policy 203) have access to transportation to the nearest PACE center.

Grade 8 students previously enrolled in a PACE centre entering high school, will be eligible for transportation.

Approved level 4 students, as per admission criteria, will not be eligible for board transportation and should make their own arrangements.

*Note: All students living within 4.8 km distance (as per Board Policy 203) are not eligible for transportation*