Continuing Education

YCDSB Night School and Continuing Education Information

Click HERE to be redirected to the YCDSB Continuing Education website to learn more about the programs offered by YCDSB that take place outside of the regular school day.

Summer School 2025 

Information on YCDSB Summer School will be available Spring 2025.

Click the links below to explore other Summer School options through non-YCDSB School Boards --- Follow the instructions on their websites for registering as a student outside of their school board.


If you are taking courses at a school outside your "home" school, you are responsible for ensuring that this school submits the course information and all updates to your "home" school and to the OUAC.

If the course information is missing from your application, you must contact that the school request that they submit the missing information to your "home" school and to OUAC.  OUAC website information.