The Little Flower

Winter Issue 2021

Message from our Principal, Mrs. Elisa Mastromartino:

This is a year like no other for students all over the world. However, this does not stop the passion and commitment our STL community has when it pertains to our students and staff being the greatest example of doing the ordinary with extraordinary love. At St.Theresa of Lisieux CHS, there is a school spirit that continually shines bright even through the most challenging of times; this school spirit is what makes us unique. Together, we are a force that stays focused, positive, powerful, determined, and resilient - you can see it as a reflection on the last few months of life at STL.

2021 has presented its fair share of challenges; however, despite those challenges, our staff remained focused on ensuring that our students were very well prepared for the VLE platform of learning. Although we are virtual, the President's Council and several other clubs and committees continue to thrive with STL School Spirit. We are truly blessed with a dedicated staff who works hard to ensure our students are strong leaders, powerful advocates, intelligent ambassadors, and collaborative team players in the multitude of clubs, councils, committees, and teams to which they belong. We have much to be proud of!

Throughout February, our Guidance Department literally overhauled all materials related to the course selection process for our students, and have been assisting remotely to help with choosing courses for next year. These courses will inform our master schedule for the 2021-2022 school year. We kindly ask parents to review their child’s course selection to ensure their academic success and wellbeing.

Our grade 12 students are now in the final stretch of their high school careers, and are determining their post-secondary options. In wanting to show our support during this time, the Admin Team excitedly connected with all grade 12 classes virtually. We are confident that whatever path they choose, they will be well prepared with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities that post-secondary demands.

Our Catholic faith continues to be the centre from which all things emanate. We are blessed to have the continued support of Father Peter Choi and Father Pawel Zborowski, celebrating virtual masses, and offering spiritual guidance when needed. As we continue along our Lenten journey, let us not forget the Lenten observances of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. May God continue to bestow upon us all abundant joy and peace always.