The Little Flower

Winter Issue - February 2019

A Message from our Principal

“You give breath and fresh life begins. You keep renewing the earth.” Psalm 104:30

The beginning of a new semester offers a new opportunity to refresh, reset and reinvent oneself. We are reminded that any missed opportunities during first semester are given a second chance to flourish through new experiences, both in the classroom and in the never ending list of co-curricular and extracurricular activities that define the kind of Catholic learning community that we are. At the center of our Catholic learning community is God – who loves us unconditionally and who encourages us to enter into our daily experiences with a renewed sense of hope and unbreakable spirit.

With first semester report cards going home on February 12, I encourage all parents/guardians to review first semester final marks with your son/daughter. If the marks are not a reflection of your son/daughter’s true potential, please encourage your son/daughter to begin semester 2 with a refreshed energy and dedication to his/her academics. Research shows that the more involved parents/guardians are in their child’s education, the more successful the child will be.

Plans are already underway for the 2019/2020 school year, with registration of our grade 8’s coming into grade 9 already completed. By the end of February, our current grade 9, 10 and 11 students will have completed their course selections. Choosing the right courses and the right stream is a critical step to ensuring academic success and wellbeing. Please do take time to review the options with your son/daughter, keeping in mind their post-secondary pathway, as it is not always possible to change courses once the master schedule and staffing is determined.

We are blessed to have such a vibrant and dedicated Catholic School Council and parent community who support all STL endeavours. We never take for granted all of the time and effort you put into nurturing the level of excellence and culture of care and compassion which is synonymous with our school.

In closing, we would like to welcome to the STL family Ms. Clapp, Ms. D’Elia, and Ms. Grice who joined our Religion, Business and Arts departments respectively; and we welcome back Ms. Demitcheva, Mr. Doyle, Ms. Merenda, and Ms. Oppedisano. We congratulate Mrs. Britt-Steiner who will be the Special Education Secondary Consultant at the board this semester, and Mrs. Cocchetto who will be the acting Department Head of Special Education in her absence. We wish one and all much success.


In Memory of

Craig Anthony Boland

On February 15, 2019, with a heavy heart and much sadness, we announced the passing of our beloved teacher and friend, Mr. Craig Boland. Mr. Boland was a dedicated and gifted Technological Studies teacher. His passion for teaching was evident not only in the quality of the classroom experiences he afforded his students, but also in his commitment to the extra-curricular life of the school. Mr. Boland made a room light up with his contagious laugh and giving spirit. He lived the little way of St. Theresa in word and deed, giving of himself and his time without hesitation. He found his calling when he became a teacher, and we are all better because we had the pleasure of working with him. Forever in our hearts, we pray God grant you eternal rest.

Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you,

May the wind be always at your back,

May the sun shine warm upon your face,

May the rains fall soft upon fields.

And until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of his hand.