
The cooler weather reminds us that we are already moving into the third month of the 2019-2020 school year. The Math Department would like to welcome all the new and returning students and their parents to this vibrant community. We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Ms. Carino and Ms. Ko to our teaching team.

We encourage parents and students to visit the MATH DEPARTMENT WEBSITE on a regular basis and follow us on Twitter @StRobertMath. There you will find many exciting enrichment opportunities and remedial resources available inside and outside of school. A number of math teachers also have a website or Google Classroom where class announcements and notes are posted. Students are encouraged to visit their teachers' websites frequently to find the latest lesson templates/notes and important dates for tests and quizzes.

Grade 9 Applied students consolidating learning through Knowledgehook exit tickets.

Thinking Classroom

Room 205 is now an innovative classroom! As we continue our efforts in developing students’ 21st Century skills, a number of classes have the opportunity to experience learning in our new innovative space. The flexible seating and transformed environment allow students to fully immerse in an enxtended array of inquiry activities. Students from grades 9 to 12 feel safe to be collaborative thinkers while engaging in rich discussions on mathematical concepts.

Grade 11 IB HL Math

De/Reconstructing mathematical proofs

Collaborative problem-solving

Math Club

Our Math Club meets every Tuesday after school. Students participate in enriched math presentations, problem-solving and contest preparation led by award-winning student leaders and the Math Team coach, Ms. Do.