
SBA'S Anti-Racism Council

Mission Statement

A.R.C. (Anti-Racism Council) Source, previously known as P.O.W.E.R. Source (Protecting Our World By Eliminating Racism) is our school’s council against racism. We work to promote and normalize antiracism and multiculturalism while eradicating prejudice in our student body by hosting events showcasing cultures from around the world, having speakers talk at events centred around antiracist ideals, and bringing students together regardless of race, culture, or religion.


Interested in eliminating racism and educating yourself about international cultures, peoples, and religions? What about changing the world in your own special way? Whether you are someone who signs petitions, educates yourself daily about racial inequity, or simply someone who wants to make the world a better place, ARC is the place for you! ARC welcomes everyone, regardless of religion, culture, and race. Join our inclusive environment and partake in events that celebrate diversity, multiculturalism, and antiracism. 

Application Process 

Interested in applying for ARC Source? Fill out the appropriate form below by September 15th, 2023 at 11:59pm

New members: forms.gle/hyo2YnDx6YvqJzay5 

Returning members: forms.gle/GMW5SsGh7W7ztmKv8 

*For the 2023-2024 school year, there will be two stages to your application. The first will be the completion of the form. Those who make it past this first round will also have to attend the second round, which is an interview. The results for each stage and interview times will be sent through email. 

Time Commitment & Meetings

We meet in-person on Thursdays after school from around 2:45-3:45. 


Indigenous Advocacy Week

Indigenous peoples (First Nations, Inuits, and Métis) are often forgotten in Canadian history despite their crucial contributions to this country. Many Canadians are unaware of Indigenous peoples' brutal history with European settlers, and the assimilation they were forced to undergo. This week focuses on the basics: who Indigenous peoples are, why they are so important to our heritage, and what social struggles and inequities they face to this day.  Students will be able to learn and distinguish truths and myths concerning Indigenous peoples.

Orange Shirt Day

On September 30th, show your support to Indigenous survivors and descendants of survivors of residential schooling by wearing an orange shirt. This day highlights the history of residential schooling in Canada, and the struggles survivors of residential schools face today as a result. By doing so, every student can become more aware about Indigenous-Canadian history. Leading up to this day, ARC sells fair trade orange shirts for $15. Please note that you can continue showing your support throughout the school year by wearing these shirts on Spirit Wear Wednesdays

Music Mondays 

Created last year, Music Mondays honour different types of music and instruments from all around the world while introducing you to new songs you'll love regardless of language or cultural differences.

Music Mondays is a monthly recurring event. Every month’s Music Monday centres around a different region of the world, ranging from Central America to East Asia. Participants listen to a presentation covering that month’s theme, play an accompanying Kahoot, and catch up on school work while listening to a themed playlist. 


Diwali is a Hindu light festival that celebrates the triumph of good over evil. Traditionally, ARC hosts a cultural dance on stage, provides henna artists in the atrium, and changes the cafeteria's lunch menu to a culturally South Asian feast. Last year, we celebrated with you through an online performance (displayed on the left) and special posts! 

SBA Christmas & Hanukkah 

ARC's most beloved event, SBA Christmas is a fundraiser talent show celebrating the birth of Jesus through singers, dancers, musicians, and more! In the past, we have collected close to $1000 for charities such as ShareLife and The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. We also bring together ALL of SBA through this event as councils and clubs host mini-events throughout the school. Join us during intermission for a Taste of the World, our cultural food booth, raffles, and a photobooth with Santa. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, our talent show was made virtual last year. No matter the circumstances, SBA Christmas is an unforgettable night for all who attend as it engages all our student body. 


Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that is meant to be a symbol of joy and is a celebration of miracles and light.  It is also called the Festival of Lights. This past year, we shared informational posts about the celebration of Hanukkah and Judaism. 

 Lunar New Year / Spring Festival 

The Lunar New Year, also called Spring Festival,is a tradition typically celebrated across Asia. It occurs on the first new moon found on the lunisolar calendar. On this day, families celebrate the beginning of luck and success. 

This event was introduced this past year. Informational posts, recipes, lantern cutouts, and virtual red pockets that students were able to send to their loved ones were provided. We had also planned a red civies day that was unfortunately cancelled due to COVID and a red pocket design contest. 

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Racism is one of the most pressing problems of our generation and we all need to do our part to stop it. On March 21, take part in SBA's version of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, an event celebrated by the UN and amongst many countries worldwide to promote inclusivity and equity amongst all races.  You can engage yourself by pledging your name to petitions, getting a pin to show your support for the antiracist cause, and visiting our social media to learn more about why racism needs to be fought and how you can do your part by eliminating racism in your own life. 

Asian Heritage Month

One of our newest events created in quarantine, Asian Heritage Month aims to celebrate Asia! From Pacific Asia to South Asia to Central Asia and the Middle East, ARC celebrates special facts about Asian countries and puts different cultures in the spotlight with our social media.

Connect with us!

Have questions? Interested in seeing what we do? Feel free to shoot us an email or follow our social media!

Instagram: @sba_arc

Twitter: @SBAARC

Gmail: bapowersource@gmail.com