Kolbe Leaders at Work

What is KLAW? 

KLAW stands for Kolbe leaders at work. This phenomenal group of students make up our Catholic leadership council who provide the students and staff at SMK with opportunities for faith based activities and social justice initatives . This group of students bring their many gifts and talents to our community and are passionate about Catholic leadership, faith, and living out the gospel. 

Students on KLAW help prepare masses and liturgies, school food drives, fundraisers, charity events, social justice initiatives and mentorship and leadership within the school. These students also participate in our weekly meeting to help deepen their own faith and relationship with God on days where we are not preparing events. KLAW inspires other faith, charity, kindness and love and strives to follow in the footsteps of our school Patron. 

Our Council

Katelyn Conners- President 

Lori Battouk- Vice President 

Matthew Legace- Junior Rep 

Noah Simpliciano- Junior Faith Rep 

Amanda Brown- Senior Faith Rep 

Elizabeth McGee- Community Rep 

School Activities and Initiatives 

See our current campaigns and events below! 

Follow us on Instagram @kolbechaplaincy