
Partial index of student publications, past and present


Accent: Undergraduate Multilingual Magazine at Yale

Afrika Now

Airships: The Science

Amicus Undergraduate Law Magazine

AURA: The Yale Undergraduate Journal of Comparative Literature

Behavioral economics journal

Black Sheep Magazine

Boola, the

Broad Recognition: A Feminist Magazine at Yale

Bullblog, the


China Hands


Development Magazine

Dimensions: Undergraduate Journal of Art and Art History


DOWN Magazine

Elm City Echo, the

Environmentalist, the

Fiat Lux: Yale’s Undergraduate Journal of Religious Life & Theology

Fiction and Fantasy

Fifth Wall

Film Review

Five Magazine (focused on methods for social justice, human rights, and service groups)

Flourish Journal

Gaze: A Journal of Photography, the



Habitus (sociology magazine)

HARLEQUIN Journal of the Performing Arts

Helicon: Yale Undergraduate Journal of Classics

Her Campus at Yale

hey! zeus!: the Yale Undergraduate Journal of Classics

Hippolytic, the

Hippopotamus Literary Magazine

International Studies

Journal of Gender, Health, and Sexuality

Journal of Human Rights, the

Journal of Literary Translation, the (JoLT)

Journal of Political Thought


Korean American


La Fuerza

La Madrugada

Light and Truth

Logos, the

Margins: Student Perspectives from the Left

Midnight at Yale


Musings Against a Train Station

Negative Space

New Journal, the


P.H.: The Yale Journal of Public Health


Perspectives on Happiness Journal

Photojournalism, the


Politic, the

Pulse, the

Q Magazine


Rumpus (humor tabloid)

Sage Magazine



Standby: The Yale Undergraduate Travel Journal

stYle (fashion magazine)



These Fifty States

Turnaround, the

Undergraduate Research in Psychology

Ungaze (anthropology magazine), the

Ventures in Science

Vita Bella! (positive living magazine)

Volume Magazine (dedicated to music)

Ward One Review, the


Wheel: Yale Undergraduate Sustainable Development Journal

WYBC: Yale Radio

Y.U.M. (Yale Undergraduate Magazine, literary magazine)

Yale Anglers’ Journal

Yale Banner

Yale Daily News Magazine, the

Yale Daily News, the

Yale Economic Review

Yale Entrepreneur Magazine

Yale Entrepreneurship Magazine

Yale Epicurean, the

Yale Free Press, the

Yale Global Health Review

Yale Globalist, the

Yale Guidepost, the

Yale Herald

Yale Herald, the

Yale Historical Review

Yale Human Rights journal

Yale Israel Journal, the

Yale Journal of Behavioral Economics

Yale Journal of Economics

Yale Journal of Health Economics

Yale Journal of Human Rights

Yale Journal of Medicine & Law

Yale Journal of Public Health, the

Yale Layer, the

Yale Literary Magazine

Yale Literary Review, the

Yale Logos: Yale’s Undergraduate Christian Magazine

Yale Musician, the

Yale Philosophy Review

Yale Phoenix, the

Yale Politic: Yale Undergraduate Journal of Politics

Yale Record, the

Yale Review of Disability Experience, the

Yale Review of International Studies

Yale Review of Undergraduate Research in Psychology

Yale Scientific Magazine

Yale Socially Responsible Investments Journal

Yale Standard

Yale State and Local Policy Review

Yale Turnip, the

Yale Undergraduate Journal of Economics and Politics

Yale Undergraduate Research Journal

Yale Undergraduate Women’s Health Journal

Yale Women’s Health Journal

Yellow Pages (Asian American literary journal)

York Street Muse (Davenport literary & arts magazine), the