Some Black women's hair products harmful

Some Black women's hair products harmful

Many Black women use hair products such as relaxers, dyes, and oils to style and care for their hair. However, some of these products may contain harmful chemicals that can damage the hair and scalp, and even increase the risk of health problems.

According to a study by researchers at the Silent Spring Institute, some hair products marketed to Black women contain high levels of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which can interfere with the body's hormones and cause reproductive issues, cancer, and other diseases. The study tested 18 different products, including hot oil treatments, anti-frizz polishes, leave-in conditioners, root stimulators, and hair lotions. The researchers found that 84% of the products contained parabens, 78% contained phthalates, and 72% contained nonylphenols. These chemicals can mimic estrogen and disrupt the normal functioning of the endocrine system.

The study also found that the products with the highest levels of EDCs were those that are applied directly to the scalp, such as relaxers and root stimulators. These products can be absorbed through the skin and enter the bloodstream, where they can have systemic effects. Additionally, some of these products can generate heat or cause inflammation, which can increase the absorption of chemicals.

The researchers suggest that Black women should be aware of the potential risks of using certain hair products, and look for safer alternatives that are free of EDCs. They also call for more regulation and testing of hair products, especially those that are marketed to Black women, who have higher rates of hormone-related health problems such as fibroids, infertility, and breast cancer.

Natural Hair Products: A Guide for Beginners

If you have natural hair, you may be wondering what kind of products you should use to keep it healthy, moisturized and defined. There are so many options out there, but not all of them are suitable for your hair type, texture and needs. In this blog post, we will give you some tips on how to choose the best natural hair products for your curls, coils and kinks.

What are natural hair products?

Natural hair products are those that are made with natural ingredients, such as oils, butters, herbs, extracts and essential oils. They do not contain harsh chemicals, such as sulfates, parabens, silicones, mineral oil or petrolatum, that can strip your hair of its natural oils and cause damage. Natural hair products are gentler on your hair and scalp, and they can nourish, hydrate and protect your hair from environmental factors.

Why use natural hair products?

Using natural hair products can have many benefits for your natural hair, such as:

- They can help retain moisture in your hair, which is essential for preventing dryness and breakage.

- They can enhance your curl pattern and definition, by providing slip, hold and shine.

- They can improve your scalp health, by reducing irritation, inflammation and dandruff.

- They can promote hair growth, by stimulating blood circulation and providing nutrients to your follicles.

- They can reduce frizz and flyaways, by smoothing the cuticle and sealing in moisture.

How to choose natural hair products?

Choosing natural hair products can be overwhelming, especially if you are new to the natural hair journey. Here are some steps you can follow to make the process easier:

- Know your hair type and porosity. Your hair type refers to the shape and size of your curls, coils or kinks. There are four main types: 1 (straight), 2 (wavy), 3 (curly) and 4 (coily). Your porosity refers to how well your hair absorbs and retains moisture. There are three levels: low (resistant), medium (normal) and high (porous). Knowing your hair type and porosity can help you choose products that suit your hair's needs and characteristics.

- Read the labels. Always check the ingredients list of the products you buy, and look for natural ingredients that are beneficial for your hair. Avoid products that contain harmful chemicals that can dry out or damage your hair. You can also look for certifications or seals that indicate the quality and safety of the products, such as organic, cruelty-free or vegan.

- Experiment with different products. Sometimes, the best way to find out what works for your hair is to try different products and see how they perform. You can start with the basic products that every natural needs: a cleanser (shampoo or co-wash), a conditioner (rinse-out or leave-in), a moisturizer (cream or lotion) and a styler (gel or mousse). You can also add other products that address specific issues or goals, such as a deep conditioner (for extra moisture), a protein treatment (for strength), an oil (for sealing) or a mask (for nourishment).

- Listen to your hair. Your hair will tell you what it likes and what it doesn't like. Pay attention to how your hair feels and looks after using a product. If it feels soft, smooth and moisturized, that means the product is working well for you. If it feels dry, brittle or greasy, that means the product is not suitable for you. You can also observe how long your style lasts, how much shrinkage you have and how defined your curls are. Adjust your product choices accordingly.

We hope this guide helps you find the best natural hair products for your beautiful mane. Remember that every natural is different, and what works for one may not work for another. The key is to experiment, have fun and embrace your natural beauty.