Yachay Bolivia 

for the Neurodivergent

Yachay is a native word to the Andean Quechuan language that conceptually means “Knowledge”, “Wisdom”, “Education”, “Capability”, “Ability” and “Talent”.

Yachayniyuq  means the one who possess talents and knows how to use them.

The term "neurodivergent" describes people whose brain differences affect how their brain works.


To promote the rights of people who are  gifted and talented, twice exceptional and neuro divergent, to be able to fully develop their potential in life.  To access equal opportunities that meet their intellectual capacities as well as social-emotional abilities, and create a world wide community.

To guide and support families and educators to detect and diagnose the attention of this exceptional population and advocate for their well being. 


We are a non profit organization that promotes the development of healthy environments for people who are gifted and talented, twice exceptional and neurodivergent and empower them to  participate and enhance their roles in their personal lives and communities.