
"Thanks to Mrs. Cecilia's foundation I was able to be better, do better, and most importantly, it's turned my life better"

Thank you Cecilia!!!! 

Sara Isabella Alvarez

8 years old

Palm Bay - Florida - USA

"We discovered YBN on 2021, and the impact on my son, Fernando, and our family has been incredibly positive. We came to YBN with a host of concerns, ranging from obtaining a diagnosis to addressing academic needs and managing the social and emotional behaviors that often prove most challenging for a family.

While there are still challenges and a few lingering concerns, working with this non-profit has illuminated our path, providing us with a clearer and brighter vision of where we are headed. YBN has been instrumental in resolving many of our issues, and we are grateful for the guidance and support they've provided. We have a newfound sense of hope and direction, all thanks to their invaluable assistance."

Mariana Romero

SIllerico - Romero Family

La Paz - Bolivia

"As a family, we couldn't be happier or more satisfied with the invaluable guidance and support provided by Ms. Cecilia to our son. Through one-on-one sessions with Cecilia, our son not only enjoys sharing his day-to-day experiences but also learns essential techniques for managing his emotions.

As parents, we've gained a deeper understanding of how to best assist and guide our son, thanks to the expert advice and insights she offers. While we acknowledge that this journey is a long one, we feel confident that we're heading in the right direction, thanks to Cecilia's unwavering support. We are immensely grateful for her contributions to our son's growth and development."

Córdova Rojas Family

Lima - Perú

"I'm thrilled to share the profound impact that YBN has had on my family during one of the most complex phases of our lives. Our journey with YBN commenced when my eldest son was identified as gifted and talented at the age of 7, presenting us with a host of challenges that required specialized support.

As if that weren't enough, our situation took an even more intricate turn when we relocated to another country, coinciding with the onset of adolescence for my son. Unfortunately, his new school lacked an understanding of what Giftedness truly meant and insisted on evaluating him for other forms of neurodivergence. Despite some shared characteristics, we underwent numerous assessments with different specialists, always ending up in the same place.

In the midst of this confusion, my younger son was also identified as gifted and talented. However, his traits were remarkably distinct from his brother's, which left us feeling even more adrift. We were in desperate need of help, but were struggling to find professionals who truly grasped the specific needs of our children.

It was at this juncture that a friend recommended YBN to us. We decided to attend a series of workshops with Cecilia, and it proved to be a pivotal moment for us. Finally, we began to gain a better understanding of these unique characteristics and learned to differentiate the profiles of gifted and talented individuals. Cecilia provided us with invaluable insights, introduced relevant theories, and, most importantly, equipped us with practical tools and strategies to navigate the intense emotional moments that often accompany giftedness.

I'd like to express my deepest gratitude to YBN for their unwavering support, dedication, time, and, above all, their deep understanding in a field that often remains invisible. Thanks to their work, we have discovered a way to support and guide our children in both their intellectual and emotional development.

Without a doubt, I wholeheartedly recommend YBN to any family in a similar situation. They are dedicated professionals who provide vital support in an area that is often overlooked. Thank you for being a true lifeline for families with gifted and talented students. We are immensely grateful."

Andrea Asín

Flores - Asín Family


"Exploring and understanding neurodiversity will empower our educators to tailor their teaching methods, fostering a more inclusive learning environment that celebrates diverse abilities ultimately enhancing the academic journey for all of our students."

Marialejandra Llano
American Curriculum Director
Cochabamba Cooperative School Calvert