Day four

After breakfast we danced a little bit to wake up. But today we volunteered to be in the first row dancing. After our daily class, we went to Jaca. There we had a gymkhana and a geocatch around the village. We had a picnic in front of the citadel.

We returned and worked on our project. Today the topic was "Renewable energies". We had a mission today: Dr. Goodtime, our expert on renewable energies, had been kidnapped. He sent us a message asking for help. In order to help him, we had to open some chests. To open them, we had to find the different combinations through 4 different activities. Inside there was the money for the ransom.

In the evening, we played some Olympic games. We got wet, but it's was fun.

After dinner, we played the night game "Madhouse". It was so terrifying... And shaking we went to bed.