Day 5

We started our day dancing again to activate our bodies and minds. After our English class, we visited a nearby waterfall and Guixa’ s Cave. It was cold in the inside of the caves, but they were very beautiful. We even saw one of the 500 bats that live there.

After lunch, we continued with our project. Today we worked on the topic “The Global Village”. We were students from all over the world and we had to find 5 roommates from different nationalities to share a flat. We also had to write some flat rules to make our coexistence peaceful for everyone.

After having a snack, we played the game “Cluedo”. At 7 p.m. we had time for a shower and we also got our mobile phones back until dinner time. Before dinner, we had our daily “love box/ black box” session. A lot of love messages for everyone in the group. We also got a couple of black boxes today, mainly because we weren´t speaking English all the time. After dinner, we played “Furor”.