Setting Up Inclusion Services at your institution

I. Rationale:

Inclusion is most effective when each learner is recognized for their diverse needs. In India individualized need of Inclusion has often failed on the ground due to large numbers. Foreign models have not been replicable due to their high cost. As Xavier’s took up this project to raise the bar of Inclusion on campus we ideated on how we can create an approach that can take into account the Indian system’s requirements of large numbers and need for cost effectiveness without compromising on individual need based solutions for our learners.

The uniqueness and the advantage of the 360 Approach to Inclusion is in its ability to balance between individual needs and system constraints within the Indian context. This is the USP of this process.

II. Service Delivery Mechanism:

A comprehensive structure for inclusion services delivery is followed at Xavier’s and is recommended for anyone wanting to replicate the model:

  1. Enabling Committee: The management body for policy level decisions. Sample constitution of the Enabling Committee can be found here

  2. Resource Centre for SwD: Engaged in delivering of all inclusion services. (XRCVC).

  3. Student Inclusion Cell: A student body of students with and without disabilities on campus that looks at inclusion and accessibility on campus (SIC) Sample Constitution of the SIC can be found here

III. Provisions and Services offered:

A. Inclusive Examinations: (implemented the Government of Maharashtra GR Dated 4th March 2017 related to Inclusive Examinations in totality)

    • Computer Examination

    • Spaced out Assignment Submissions

    • Permission to Answer in key points rather than long answers

    • Alternative question papers

B. Note taking and in class assistance options

    • Computer based note taking in class

    • Recording of classroom lectures when feasible

    • Note taking assistance

    • Lab Assistants

C. Accessible content services

    • Simplified Easy to Read material

    • Braille,

    • Accessible E Copy,

    • Tactile Diagrams,

    • Subtitled AV content

D. Teaching learning support

    • Volunteers, Mentors and student support for teaching

    • Special Skills Training: Screen Readers, Remediation, O & M etc

    • Counseling support through College Wellness Centre

E. Accessible infrastructure and Environment

    • Classroom re allocation

    • Access to lift and electronic wheelchairs

    • Awareness Programs for students and faculty

    • SIC encouraging student community participation in inclusion

The details of the above are listed herewith: Accommodation Form At St.Xavier's College

IV. The Process:

A. Beginning of the Year:

    • Announcements for Inclusion made (website, handbook, beginning of student orientations)

    • Principal brief at staff seminar and exam committee meetings for inclusion processes to be followed in the year

    • Admission: Guidance for appropriate selection of stream and subjects by Resource Centre

B. Rolling out the Process:

    • Accommodation form and Letter: All SwD fill Inclusive Education Accommodation form with XRCVC at the beginning of the year. Sample of Inclusive Education Accommodation Forms can be found here

    • Forms are Approved by the Enabling Committee.

    • Students are issued accommodation letter and exam provision letter. Sample of Accommodation and Exam Provision letters

    • Student share their accommodations with teachers that are directly teaching them.(Self Advocacy)

    • Teacher Communication: Principal’s office also shares with the HoDs the list of SwD enrolled with the department.

C. Through the Year Service Delivery:

    • Exams and submissions: Students attach the exam provision letter on answer sheets (to enables correctors to check as per provisions granted)

    • The Coordinator for SwD supplies the data to the Examination Committee at the beginning of each semester to enable them to make necessary examination arrangements.

    • Other Services: The Resource Centre (XRCVC) works parallel to provide all the inclusion services as selected by SWD in the accommodation forms