Xavier S.P.I.R.I.T.

Serve. Pray. Include. Reach. Inspire. Teach.

XHS Campus Ministry is part of Xavier S.P.I.R.I.T, our energized, all-encompassing approach to campus life that encourages and empowers all Hawks to realize and share their authentic selves, to cultivate a culture of care for self and others, and to grow in faith, hope, and love.  Our core values reflect our mission: to serve, pray, include, reach, inspire, and teach.  

Campus Ministry is located in the SPIRIT Center in Room 131, just a few steps beyond the main entrance of school.  Stop in for some hospitality, sign up for an event, organize a small service or prayer group, utilize our resources, ask questions, or just let us know how your day is going.  All are welcome!

Campus Ministry works to accomplish this mission and support students and staff through:

Ministry of Presence and Accompaniment

Ministry of Liturgy and Prayer

Ministry of Events

Spirit of Service

Hawks Give Back 

Spirit of Faith

With You on Your Faith Journey

Spirit of Community

Growing and Celebrating Together

Spirit of Knowledge

Open Minds, Open Hearts

Spirit of Gratitude & Generosity

Sharing Our Blessings.  Every Day.

Spirit of Courage

Discovering & Developing Your Authentic Self