
Called to be Missionary Disciples!!

Discipleship of Christ will be taught and practiced using the analogy of a three-legged stool.  Each of the three legs of a stool represents a major component of Intentional Discipleship.  Like a three-legged stool, Discipleship is not complete and in its fullness if each of the legs is not there.  Throughout the school year, students will be made aware of and grow intentionally in Piety (Heart), Study (Mind), and Action (Body & Will).  

Piety (Heart) - Developing an intimate relationship with Christ

Study (Mind) - Discovering our True Self and Faith in Christ

Action (Body & Will) - Choosing Love so others can see the Light of        Christ in you

Weekly Schedule - Religion

Lectio Divina (Piety)

The Latin phrase “lectio divina” may be translated as “divine reading.” Lectio divina is a method for praying with the Scriptures. As one reads and invites the Word to become a transforming lens that brings the events of daily living into focus, one can come to live more deeply and find the presence of God more readily in the events of each day. The method of lectio divina follows four steps: lectio (reading), meditatio (meditation), contemplatio (contemplation), and oratio (prayer). 

Lecture, Note-taking, & Reading (Study)

In this form of Study, the students will learn about God's Plan of Salvation for his People in the Old Testament and New Testament.  Students will learn about the Old Testament through the lens of identifying and understanding the prophecies of the Old Testament, and how Christ fulfilled those prophecies in the New Testament.  In addition to those Theology Standards, students will practice growing in proficiency and/or mastery in listening and reading comprehension strategies and skills.

Petitionary Rosary (Action)

Students will pray the Rosary as intended, but before each bead of the Rosary, students will shine their Light of Christ by selflessly petitioning God's intervention on behalf of the needs of others.

Daily Examen (Piety)

The Examen is a daily method for students to review their day in the presence of God.  Students will examine their Piety, Study, and Action each day by answering the following questions:

Piety (Heart) - Developing an Intimate Relationship with Christ 

Study (MInd) - Discovering our True Self and Faith in Christ

Action (Body & Will) - Choosing Love so others see the Light of Christ in you

Collatio (Action)

Collatio is Latin for "placing/putting togther".  During this time union and community, students will study their Daily Examens for the week and choose their best exhibition or example of Piety, Study, and Action.  They will then give Witness to their discipleship by sharing their selections with the other members of the class, or Christian Community.