7th Grade Religion

Welcome to 7th Grade Religion

Hello, & welcome to 7th Grade Religion class! I know it's going to be a great year filled with fun, fellowship, & faith! I'm looking forward to learning & sharing the love of Jesus together!

The core of the 7th grade Religion curriculum is the life & works of Jesus Christ. Topics we are going to be covering in Religion class this year are: the New Testament (especially the Gospels), the Sacraments, miracles of Jesus, the Beatitudes, vocations, parables, parts of the Mass, forms of prayer, the Liturgical Year, Catholic Social Teaching, Corporal & Spiritual Works of Mercy, lives of the Saints, virtues, Church Doctrine, The Ultimate Gift (book), Theology of the Body, & more!

7th grade students will also have opportunities throughout the school year to actively live out & practice the Catholic faith through daily prayer, making Rosaries, retreats, participating in helping lead Mass & prayer services, Eucharistic Adoration, Reconciliation, etc.!

Google Classroom Code(s):

2nd Hour: acpn37r

3rd Hour: ekzzdwn

5th Hour: ju66ex5

7th Hour: tgkj34j

8th Hour: odcb7aw

Please be sure to check Google Classroom daily. All class materials, announcements, and assignments will be posted there.