Grading and Expectations


Students are expected to be actively engaged in math.  This means that I expect them to listen, take notes, volunteer answers and ideas, and ask questions whenever necessary. 

Students are required to use pencil on all assignments, quizzes, and tests that are turned into me for a grade.  I will ask students to re-do the assignment if done in pen.

Please let me know if students are spending more than an appropriate amount of time on homework.  This amount is different for every student so I will leave it up to the parents to make that judgment.

3rd Hour is allowed snack!  Here are the rules/expectations:

#1  Having an opportunity for a snack is a privilege and not all students bring a snack.  Snack is not provided by the teacher.

#2  Individual sized portion 

#3 Cannot be shared 

#4 Needs to be consumed within the first few minutes of class 

#5  Should be relatively healthy - crackers, chips, granola bars, fruit snacks, etc are okay but candy, candy bars, donuts, etc are not - sometimes students will bring half of a sandwich......


Students are assigned "homework" almost every day.  Class time is always given if homework is assigned.

Some homework is collected and graded.  Some homework is not and should be kept by the student until at least the end of the chapter.  

Nonetheless, all "homework" whether it is done in class, taken home, or both provides good practice for quizzes and tests and is expected to be done.  

I don't grade based on "correctness" but rather on effort and the way that the students have shown me that they have learned from their mistakes.   Please see the Google slide presentation below for more details on grading.

Grading an Assignment