Frequently Asked


Answered Questions

Where can I find out details about the Tree School?

It is the hope of this website to provide you with all the information that you need to be informed about the Northern Rockies Tree School.

How can I make sure to get updates and event details?

Please make sure to fill out our Contact Information Form. This will ensure that you are added to our contact list. You will also be able to indicate your preference for method of contact.

When can I expect to see details and information about the current year's event?

Our typical timeline is that we release general topic, speaker, host hotel, and registration information about two months out (late July/early August) from the date of the event which is typically in late September or early October.

Occasionally we post speaker highlights on the Facebook Event Page. So make sure to indicate that you are "Going" to the NRTS to get those sneak peaks.

Who should attend the Northern Rockies Tree School?

We encourage folks from various disciplines including, master gardeners, university extension offices, conservation districts, nursery and greenhouse workers, professional arborists, city, county, state, and federal forestry workers to attend. We average about 150-180 attendees.

What topics are covered?

We cover a wide variety of educational and technical topics that are relevant and progressive, bringing top-notch speakers from across the country and even internationally. You can check out our Past Events page to see topics, presentations, agendas, etc.

How do I register for the NRTS?

You can register online through the International Society of Arboriculture Rocky Mountain Chapter website. Look under the Chapter Events tab or the Calendar of Events for the Northern Rockies Tree School and that should lead you to an event description that has a registration link. Follow the prompts.

Does NRTS have a Facebook page?

Yes! Please like and share our page for regular updates and event details.

Can the Northern Rockies Tree School come to my community?

The tree school is hosted in Northern Wyoming (even years) or Montana (odd years), as we alternate hosting and planning duties between the two states.

Can I recommend a speaker or presentation topic?

Yes you can! We are always looking for suggestions and feedback to improve our event. Please fill out our Comments and Suggestions form.

Can I buy a shirt?

It depends on the planning committee if shirts will be available for the event.

Check the current year's event page to find out if we will have shirts available.