Wyoming Office of Homeland Security

Preparing Wyoming to respond to and recover from all-hazards.

Governor Mark Gordon Portrait
Director Lynn Budd portrait
Announcements Slider Show

Do you need information on official state foreign travel? Find out more at https://ets.wyo.gov/cybersecurity/foreign-travel

Nonprofit Security Grant Program - National Security Supplemental (NSGP-NSS) APPLICATIONS OPEN 11/16/24 Visit NSGP-NSS Page to apply! 

Dear Wyoming Communities,

The Wyoming Grants Management Office invites you to attend a webinar on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at 9:00 AM MT. Please note that this is a 60-minute webinar

Join the Grants Management Office and our State and Federal Partners as we discuss the Federal funding opportunities that are available to help landowners, small businesses, non-profits, and households recover from the 2024 wildfire season.

Webinar Objectives:

Click here to register for the webinar: Wildfire Recovery Guide Webinar

Following the presentation, there will be time for Q&A. If you would like to submit a question prior to the webinar, please submit your question by emailing sbd-grants@wyo.gov.

We also invite you to: 

Contact the Grants Management Office by emailing SBD-Grants@wyo.gov.


Grants Management Office Team

Grants Management Office

State Budget Department

2800 Central Avenue

State Library

Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002

Phone: (307) 777-6292

Email: sbd-grants@wyo.gov

Website: https://sbd.wyo.gov/grants

Watch our newest preparedness video starring Moonpie Starbox. She is sharing  preparedness tips for pets.