Frequently Asked



All students will be expected to log on to their classes at the assigned class hour. Teachers will take attendance during these sessions.


Whitewater High School is returning to our traditional grading scale of A-F.

  • 92-100% A

  • 89-91% AB

  • 82-88% B

  • 79-81% BC

  • 72-78% C

  • 69-71% CD

  • 60-68% D

  • Below 60% F

Safety Precautions:

When students return to the building, what are the safety precautions being made for the fall?

  • Face coverings MUST be worn by staff and students.

  • There will be changes to the lunch period to accommodate physical/social distancing.

  • The school building will not open until 7:15 am. When students arrive at school, they will be expected to go directly to their class. Students will not be able to congregate in hallways or other common areas. Breakfast will be available as “grab and go” to their classrooms.

  • Lockers will not be utilized in order to prevent crowding in the hallways. Backpacks will be allowed and should only contain essential materials for instructional purposes.

  • Custodial staff will clean and sanitize the building with a continuous focus on high use areas.

Social Distancing & Masks:

How will classrooms and other high traffic areas be socially distanced?

Classrooms and other high traffic areas will be socially distanced to the greatest extent possible. Signage and decals indicating social distancing will be placed throughout the building to support the safety measures taught to students. The District will require that a mask or face covering be worn by students and staff.


At this time, only virtual field trips will be allowed.

Family-Teacher Conferences:

Will family-teacher conferences still be held during the school year?

Tentatively, family-teacher conferences will be held in a virtual format.

The Schedule:

Why is there a specific schedule for classes if we are online?

We want to help students stay on an organized, structured schedule to give them the opportunity to meet with their teachers and classmates face-to-face through virtual hangouts and help them be successful with their school work. The schedule will help establish a normal school routine.


What options are available if we don't want to meet face-to-face?

The three options for Whitewater High School students are detailed on the Options page of this web site.

Support For Families:

Will there be any training for parents?

Yes. Parents of students in grades 6-12 have the opportunity to view this video of the Google Classroom Training that was held on August 18 if they missed the training.

How involved do I need to be as a parent in virtual learning?

Instructors will support the student within the educational model. That being said, families are partners in a child’s education. Therefore, as listed above, support/training meetings are available for families to attend.

If parents select the virtual model how will support be provided for students with an IEP or 504 plan, as well as English Language Learners (EL)?

Special Education Teachers and EL Teachers are creating additional times to meet the students’ needs according to their IEPs. Students with IEPs that have significant needs and newcomer ELs will have access to extra in-person support. (All families still have the option to choose a totally virtual model, and in those cases, students with IEPs and EL students will receive virtual support.)