Tooth Tutor

The Harwood Union Unified School District shares a tooth tutor as part of Vermont’s Tooth Tutor program. The goal of this program is help ensure that every child has access to preventive, restorative and continuous care in a dental office.

A tooth tutor assists the school nurse to update dental information in each child's school health file.  They can assist families who currently do not have a dentist to find a dental home for their child or children.  In addition, the Tooth Tutor program provides a free dental screening to these children upon request.

The Tooth Tutor also provides basic dental care education to children within the school as part of the health/guidance classes.  

Follow this link to the American Academy of Pediatrics guide for responses to the most common types of child dental injuries. You will find actions to take if a baby tooth is knocked out or chipped or if a permanent tooth is knocked out.  It also gives tips for mouth protection during sports.

The Vermont Oral Media Health Center features a variety of videos highlighting oral health.