
General Eligibility Requirements to be met by all students

Any student who has maintained an honor average in the study of Spanish for at least three semesters is eligible for membership in the SHS. The student must be enrolled in the study of the language at the time of induction

Scholastic Eligibility Requirements to be met by all students

  1. General GPA of 3.0 or higher

  2. An average of 89.5 or higher in previous Honors courses

ByLaws: https://8e1cf130-1677-4b71-96d3-4a3256b4d6e1.filesusr.com/ugd/7586a2_60eb70c946194b9a919bc70589fde5c6.pdf (revised June 2021)

Source: SHH - Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica (AATSP) website