Honors Biology

Course Information

Course Description

This program is designed to stimulate student interest in scientific research and inquiry. The course provides an in­depth study of the following concepts: the cell, the molecular basis of heredity, biological evolution, the interdependence of organisms, matter, energy and organization in living systems, and the comparative form and function of organisms. Students will also learn to use basic laboratory techniques and technology to design experiments, assemble data, interpret findings, draw conclusions, and explore the implications of their research. Based on New Jersey Department of Education requirements, students must take the New Jersey Biology Competency Test (NJBCT) at the conclusion of this course

Academic Integrity

Students are expected to read and understand the Westwood Regional School District academic integrity policy, which can be found in the Westwood Regional Jr./Sr. High School Handbook. Members of the Westwood Regional School District community are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. Students who violate this police will be referred to the School Administration for proper discipline.

Grading Policy

Tests - 65% of your grade

Labs, quizzes, and classwork - 35% of your grade

There will be no extra credit for this course