CPE Biology

Course Information 

Ms. Hartwick 

Course Description

In this introductory course, students will utilize the scientific method of investigation, observation, and inquiry to gain knowledge about all living parts of earth. Particular emphasis will be placed on cellular structure, life processes (including respiration and photosynthesis), cellular transport (diffusion and osmosis) and cell reproduction. Special topics in the study of DNA and genetics will also be covered. Laboratory investigations and the use of internet resources are an integral part of this hands­ on course, helping students to further develop their critical thinking and scientific inquiry skills. Based on New Jersey Department of Education requirements, students must take the New Jersey Biology Competency Test (NJBCT) at the conclusion of this course.

Academic Integrity 

Students are expected to read and understand the Westwood Regional School District academic integrity policy, which can be found in the Westwood Regional Jr./Sr. High School Handbook. Members of the Westwood Regional School District community are expected to be honest and forthright in their academic endeavors. Students who violate this police will be referred to the School Administration for proper discipline. 

Grading Policy 

Tests - 60% of your grade

Labs, classwork, quizzess - 40% of your grade

There will be no extra credit for this course