
Spelling/Orton Activities

Your child will be able to choose their own Spelling assignments! They must choose three activities. All three assignments are due by Friday, and should be completed in your child's Spelling notebook. Listed below are the Spelling choices. They will also be listed inside your child's Spelling notebook. Have fun!

*Draw a picture and "hide" the words in the picture.

*Write your words with a pencil and then go over them with a crayon or marker like rainbow writing.

*Write your words in pyramid form.




*Write your spelling words in a spiral. Start from the center and work out.

*Write your words three times each using your very best handwriting.

1. cat



*Write your spelling words in alphabetical order.

a art

b bear

c cat

*Using your spelling word list decorate each word using a pattern.

*Using your spelling word list write each word in its word shape. (outline each word)

*Listed below is a great site that will help your child practice the skill for the week. (Please make note in your child's Spelling notebook if they completed this choice)
