
Community Service:

Dog Toys

Members will make dog toys using fleece. These dog toys will then be sold at local veterinary practices. The proceeds from the toys are given directly to AIR.

Rock Painting

Members will paint positive messages and words on rocks for AIR to put outside its office and/or in the community.

Sunny Letters

Some people just need a pick-me-up. So, members will use their talents to write letters with positive messages/artwork to help those that need it. Could include people in professions that have an increased risk of suicide as part of the job. This is truly tragic, as these professionals give so much to our communities. Members will write letters that include positive messages (or a picture) thanking these professionals for their contributions to our community.

Wellness Week

Members will plan and carry out activities for Wellness Week. This usually includes inviting members from AIR to come with therapy dogs.

Baking Day

Members will bake something (ex: cookies) and hand it out at South and/or give it to neighbors.

Anything that helps brighten someone’s day or raises money for AIR.

Educating the Community:

Mental Health Posters

Members will create posters that explain healthy mental health practices and hang them around the school to remind fellow students/teachers/administrators of good practices (if permission to hang the poster is given).

Social Media & Photography

Members will manage social media pages for AIR Club. The members involved in this project will be responsible for announcing events and maintaining a positive social media presence.

Wellness Week

During this week, members will also educate their peers about mental health through the activities they plan (ex: activity is stress toy, when explaining how to make one, briefly explain why they work)

Presentations from AIR

Listening to AIR’s presentations on mental health and therapy dogs so we can educate ourselves.

Youth Mental Health Qualification

For this activity, members will educate themselves by getting certified in mental health first aid.

AIR Dogs at South:

Putting together a presentation about having therapy dogs at South. It will include the who, how, and why.

Reaching out to the community (in coordination with the social media team) to see if therapy dogs can be secured that way.

Have the opportunity to work with AIR’s therapy dogs! (can help Tricia Baker with therapy dog training sessions). You can even train your own dog! (if your dog qualifies, there is an evaluation).