Project Managers

Project Managers Overview

  • Manage projects by being more involved in nitty-gritty details and having more responsibility

Create a timeline/outline of your specific project (with the help of president/vice president)

Keep project group on track/task and project members accountable

  • Get to know the members in their projects (and hopefully all members, but at least the ones in your specific project)

  • Regularly attend meetings

Specifics by Project

Mental Health Posters

    • Create a timeline for mental health posters to be completed (ex: 1 completed by the end of each marking period per student/group)

      • Have directions for each mtg

    • Make sure members are uploading their progress/poster to the shared drive

    • Spot check info from sources to make sure it’s correct & sources are credible

    • Give feedback to members about their posters (what they did well and what they can improve)

    • Get poster approved by administration

    • Distribute posters (hang up around school or email Mr. Coburn to be posted on collective google classrooms)

Photography/Social Media

    • Create a timeline for pictures to be taken and posts to be uploaded (we aim to post on instagram once a week or once every other week)

    • Recruit new members (brainstorm how & carry out ideas)

South Therapy Dogs

    • Create a timeline of steps/tasks for proposal to Dr. Aderhold/Mr. Lepold

      • Ex: by 1/31 online research is completed, by 2/28 testimonies of others that have therapy dogs in schools are collected and presentation is put together

    • Divide up work among group members (depends on how many members are in the group)

Sunny Letters

    • Create a timeline for sunny letters to be completed (ex: one per meeting)

    • Make sure members are uploading pictures of letters to the shared drive

    • Look over letters to make sure they’re appropriate

    • Coordinate distribution date (this year, it will be in the Spring, and we will all go into our neighborhoods since we’re virtual)

Wellness Week

    • Create a timeline for tasks to be completed (ex: by ____ brainstorming is completed, by ____ contact has been made with Ms. Allen)

    • Carry out tasks (ex: if you want a teacher to run a meditation/yoga session, reach out to that teacher well in advance & send reminder/confirmation emails)