Kwale County, Kenya is experiencing rapid large-scale economic developments that have the potential of impacting negatively on natural resources such as forests if not undertaken sustainably. We aim to restore forest and build local capacity to improve Kwale county forests for the next generation. This website will monitor the progress and impact of our International Climate Initiative (IKI) project.

The Kenyan government is committed to the sustainable use and effective management of protected areas and the fair distribution of profits between the local population and the state. By the year 2030, a permanent forest cover of at least 10% of the country is to be achieved. This project will contribute to this goal by protecting existing forests and reforesting damaged forests in County Kwale, one of the poorest and most deforested regions in Kenya. As part of the Bonn Challenge, Kenya also committed itself in 2016 to restoring 5.1 million hectares by 2030.

Project Goals

  • At least 30,000 ha of terrestrial forest and mangrove ecosystems in Kwale County are effectively managed

  • Key industries adopt new technologies to increase wood-based energy and water efficiency and have taken other measures to reduce their ecological footprint

  • The quality and application of key environmental and social safeguards for large-scale developments have been improved at national level and are applied in Kwale County

  • Knowledge management and Monitoring of project results and impacts

Project Area

Kwale County is one of the poorest counties in Kenya, with rapid industrial growth due to new developments in mining, agriculture and tourism. Large investment projects are predominantly directed at the national level which often favours commercial interests over local environmental and social concerns.

An estimated 60% of forests have fallen victim to increasing demand for firewood from local producers and households, uncontrolled cross-border trade, large investment projects (mining, agriculture) and unsustainable agricultural and livestock practices.

Our project areas include restoration areas in forests around protected areas, as well as coastal mangroves.

Project Partners

Meet the project team

Mohamed Pakia

Team Lead

Praxides Nekesa

M&E Manager

Ahmed Mbarak

M&E Officer

Siro Abdallah

GIS Support

Nathaniel Mwangeka

Forestry Officer

Neema Suya

Project Officer Governance

N'zani Zani

Communication Assistant

Aurélie Shapiro

Remote Sensing Support